Bubble Magus Skimmer C6 for 400-600l Aquariums 90.00 €
- Selling
- botevgrad, bulgaria
- 6 years ago
Upgraded my skimmer so I am selling my old one. BUBBLE MAGUS Skimmer C6 a perfect fit for 400-600L aquariums. I have been using it for 1 year where it was regularly cleaned. It is in perfect condition, produces great foam and is almost silent. If the buyer is not in Bulgaria, I can ship it abroad at your expenses but the shipping costs within Europe are relatively low anyhow. Here is some technical information:
Skimmer model: Bubble Magus C6
Pump model: Bubble Magus Rock SP2000
Dimensions: 180 x 265 x 500 mm
Power: 220V/16W (Shuko)
If you have any questions please post a comment or message me, I will gladly answer.