Chocolate dessert with mascarpone and biscotti

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1 large package of Savoiardi biscotti
300 ml milk
40 g cocoa powder
500 g mascarpone
200 ml cooking cream
480 g sour cream
180 g powdered sugar
180 g dark chocolate

The bottom of the platter is sprinkled with cocoa. The first row of biscotti is placed on top of it, which are pre-dipped in the warmed milk, in which half of the cocoa is dissolved. The cream is prepared in three parts:

  • melt the chocolate using a water bath
  • beat the cooking cream with half the sugar
  • beat the sour cream with mascarpone and the other half of the sugar The three parts are mixed and stirred gently. Put half of the cream on the first row of biscotti. Then a second row of biscotti with the rest of the cream is placed. Top with cocoa again, wrap with foil and allow to stand in the refrigerator for several hours. If you don't like desserts with a lot of cocoa, you can replace the black chocolate with white.
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